Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday, April 14

Essential Question
How can you find an average value of a data set?
  • I will understand the concept of the mean of data sets.
  • I will find the mean of data sets.
  • I will compare and interpret the means of data sets.
  • Writing Warm-up: What is a statistical question? Give an example.
  • 9.2 Activities 1-4
Pages 400-401 #4, 5, 19-23


  1. A statistical question is a question that has a variety of answers.
    Ex: How old are construction workers.

  2. A statistical question is a question where you will expect everyone's answer to be different. An example is, What shoe size do you wear? This is a statistical question.

  3. A statistical question is a question that has more than one answer.A non-statistical question is a question with only one answer.An example of a statistical question would be:How old are you?

  4. A statistical question is a question that can have various answers. For example: What is your favorite color?

  5. A statistical question is a question that can have more than one answer to. For example, if you asked what size shoe you wear, the people you asked would have different answers. In conclusion, statistical questions are questions that can have more than one answer.

  6. A statistical question is a question that has more than one answer. An example of a statistical question is, what is your height.

  7. A statistical question is a question that has multiple answers. For example, how tall are you? Is a statistical question. A non-statistical question is a question that has only one answer.

  8. A statistical question is a question that has more than one right answer.For example What is your favorite color. If the question only has one right answer like how many pennies are in a dollar then it is non statistical.

  9. A statistical is when there is a question and there is multiple answers to that question. (Ex. What is your shoe size?) and different people say different answers like 6.5 or a 4 shoe size. So a statistical is a question with different answers.

  10. A statistical question is when there is more than one answer to a question. Like if i said, What colors are the shirts of everyone in the class. That would be a statistical question because there is more than one answer.

  11. A statistical question is a question that has various answers. For example, a question such as what is your shoe size would be a statistical question because there are many answers to this question. Another example of a statistical question would be how tall are you. This question has multiple answers, making it a statistical question. However, a question such as how many states are there in the United States has only one answer. This kind of question is called a non-statistical question.

  12. A statistical question is a question that has many answers based on someones opinion. For example, what is your favorite type of ice cream? Another example would be, how tall are you?

  13. A statistical question is a question that can have more than one answer. It can have different amount of data. An example is "What is your shoe size?" That's a statistical question because everyone has a different shoe size and it will have different answers.

  14. BRODY: A statistical question is when there is more than one answer. For example: The age of firefighters in one station. There is different answers for different people.

  15. A statistical question is a question that has more than one answer. If you ask more than 1 person then not all of the answers are going to be the same. If you asked a question like " How many states are in the United States?" it would be non- statistical. An example of a statistical question would be "What is your height?"

  16. A statistical question is a question that has more than one answer or there is no correct answer. For example, a question that would be statistical is, "What is your favorite color?" or, "How many pets do you have?" These are statistical questions because your answer isn't always going to be the same as everyone else.

  17. A statistical question is more than one answer. Which can be collected by data. For example, a statistical question can be how many siblings do you have? If you asked your classmates this question there could be various of different answers.

  18. A statistical question is a question that has more than one answer. Sometimes statistical questions are about yourself and your opinion. For example, a survey. An example of a statistical question is, What is your favorite color? This is because it can have more than one answer (red, orange, ect.). You can tell if a question is a statistical question or non-statistical question by seeing if first, there can be more than one answer, and second, if its a fact. An example of a non-statistical question is, How many pennies are in a dollar? (Because it is a fact not an opinion.)

  19. A statistical question is,when you have a question with more than one answer.A non statistical question is when you have only one answer.Example for statistical:What age are 6th graders.
    Example for non statistical:How many presidents have there been.

  20. A statistical question is a question that has multiple answers. It is also a question that scientists study so they can see the different data results and compare the answers they record. An example of a statistical question is what size shoe do you wear? This is a statistical question because it doesn't have a right or wrong answer. This is what a statistical question is.

  21. A statistical question is a question that has multiple answers. Say for example the question is what is your shoe size and they asked multiple people there would be many different answers. Unlike a non statistical question which is like a question that has only one answer. For example what is 2+2. For this question there is only one answer so it is not a statistical question. 2+2 could not be 6 the only answer is 4. Unlike a statistical question which has many answers. Many statistical questions are asked on surveys. That's how they collect the data. If the answer was the same there would be no survey because there would be no variety in the survey. A survey question would be what is your favorite cereal. Or what is the best place to go in the world. That's what a statistical question is.

  22. A statistical question is when the question has multiple answers. An example of a statistical question is what is your favorite fruit? This question can be answered multiple ways one persons favorite fruit might be oranges but another persons favorite fruit is strawberries. An example of a non statistical question is how many minutes are in a hour and everyone would answer 60 minutes so there is only one answer not multiple.

  23. What is a statistical question? An statistical question is when there a various answers in which if you have an question like what is your shoe size? there will be a lot of answers.Example: When is your birthday?

  24. A statistical question is a question that has mutable answers.An example of a statistical question is How many pets do you have.Another example of a statistical question is what is your shoe size.

  25. A statistical question is a question with more than one answer. Some examples are whats your favorite color or whats your shoe size.

  26. A statistical question is an answer that always has more than one answer. An example of a statistical question is "How tall are you?"

  27. A statistical question is something that ac have various answers and just not one. It means that it is something that can be studied or have not just one answer like a non-statistical question. Ex: what is your shoe size? see? This answer can have various different responses because not everybody has the same shoe size. That is the definition of a statistical question.

  28. A statistical question is a Question that has more than one answer to the Question.
    Ex. What are your Fav. Colors

  29. A statistic question is a question that has more than one answer. Unlike a statistical question is a question that has only one answer and is called a non-statistical question. For example Whats your shoes size, that is a question that has more than one answer, so its a statistical question.
